Linder's digital artistry took flight in the 1980s when he immersed himself in the world of cutting-edge technology, experimenting with a Commodore 64, then later a Mac Plus, and Windows 95 computers. Fueled by his love for innovative software like Lightwave 3D, Bryce, Poser, and Photoshop, Linder continues to push the limits of digital art today. With a diverse range of interests, from painting and animation to AI and NFTs, Linder is a true pioneer in the field, constantly exploring new frontiers in the digital art world.

But it's not just about the technology for Linder - he infuses each of his pieces with a unique blend of traditional and digital media. By combining real-world paintings with digital elements like motion animation, digital paint, and original music scores, Linder creates what can only be described as "Living Paintings." These 30-second masterpieces are a testament to Linder's ability to seamlessly merge the digital and physical worlds.

"Undervalued crypto artist Allan Linder" ~ Daily Tech Geek

"Everything you see is beautiful and alive." ~ Outside The Cube

"NFT artwork becomes an overnight sensation" ~ Boston Herald

"I stared at each page, soaking in every detail" ~ Amid The Imaginary

"Collect while you can, this guy's work is going straight up!" ~ NFT All-Star

"Linder's work was chosen out of 3000 artists to exhibit at NFT.NYC" ~ NFT.NYC

"The artist previously sold out several of his crypto art collections" ~ Uptown Stars

"Linder's impressive body of work just blew up with the release of his NFTs" ~ NFT Star

"Allan Linder is a versatile creator and a true master across various mediums." ~ NFT Design Awards

"His unique art creations could end up becoming as valuable as Beeple’s artwork." ~ Time Business News

"It is only a matter of time before the collection becomes the next big hit in the NFT world." ~ Crypto Insiders

"Grasspeople is a full-color dark fairy tale adventure like Zelda meets Lord of the Rings." ~ Super Robot Mayhem

"Intelligenz Is One Of The Top 10 New Upcoming NFT Projects You Should Know About in 2023" ~ Hashtag Investing

"The winner of the NFT Design Award, Linder’s work shows promise after a successful 25-year run in the traditional art world." ~

Work Work

Work Work

Work Work

NFT NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

NFT NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

NFT Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

NFT Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

NFT Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork

Artwork NFT Artwork NFT Artwork