If you haven't heard of Inktober before here's the scoop. An artist named Jake Parker decided in 2009 to make a little challenge for himself to draw and ink everyday in the month of October and he encouraged others to join him. 

Here we are 9 years later and it's still going strong. Jake puts out what he calls a prompt list, a jumping off point if you will, for inspiration of art each day. There is no right or wrong here, only art. I have participated for a few years now.

1. Poisonous

I'm going to try to relate all of my pieces to my Grasspeople project, a fantasy adventure. I'll do my best to have a new one each day. This is a cute little scamp known as the stinger mouse. Be careful where you step.

2. Tranquil

This is the Terrace Falls, near Quadnoc, many miles away from the Grasslands.

3. Roasted

4. Spell

5. Chicken

The indigenous creatures known as the Cheks or Chicken Warriors were searching the black river banks for a small flower known for its healing power. There is safety in numbers because this is home to the Grizzivolous which are vicious hunters.

6. Drooling

Grizzivolous is hungry and hunting on the banks of the Black river.

7. Exhausted

Monk's ongoing search for traces of his family led him nowhere. Thoroughly exhausted, he decided to nap in the grass fields not far from the Black river.

8. Star

As Monk fell into a deep sleep, he began dreaming under the stars about the simpler times of his youth.

9. Precious

10. Flowing

11. Cruel

12. Whale

13. Guarded

14. Clock

15. Weak

16. Angular

17. Swollen

18. Bottle

19. Scorched

20. Breakable

21. Drain

22. Expensive

23. Muddy

24. Chop

25. Prickly

26. Stretch

27. Thunder

28. Gift

29. Double

30. Jolt

31. Slice